2024 Homes for HOPE award honoree Sonia Solis

2024 Homes for HOPE award honoree Sonia Solis

PARAGUAY - 2024 Homes for HOPE award honoree Sonia Solis. For mothers all around the world, providing for their children while being present and available is a consistent challenge.

Every Job Is Hard

Every Job Is Hard – May Devotional 2024

Every job is hard. Physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. Right now, you are probably thinking about things that make your job...

2024 Executive Summit

Shinn Executive Summit

At the executive summit, Homes for HOPE director re-connected with partners and meet builders/service providers who had never heard of us before.

Homes for HOPE

Finding Home | Saidi’s story

BURUNDI - According to the UNHCR (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), 99% of the 85,200 refugees and asylum seekers living in Burundi come from the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (UNHCR, 2024). This was the story for Saidi Sango living in the Kavumu camp in Burundi. Life was difficult as a refugee, and resources were often scarce.

Every Job Is Hard

Sacrifice for Greatness- April Devotional 2024

Lebron James and J.J. Redick recently launched a podcast together called Mind the Game. It’s going to be a monster success, especially with those who love basketball. It caught my attention this week when Lebron said…
“When it comes to discipline, you have to sacrifice loved ones.”

Homes for HOPE Celebration Event 2024- Keystone Charlotte

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood – a brand new, Charlotte, NC neighborhood built by our friends at Keystone Custom Homes! Their dedicated team, trusted trade partners, and resourceful suppliers gathered on a sunny, breezy day to celebrate the completion of their first Homes for HOPE Project in the region!

“God has Blessed Me and Transformed my Life” | Akash and Anika’s* story

SOUTH ASIA - For Akash and Anika, the road to a safe home and healthy family has not been easy. They experienced shame and were mocked for their poor living conditions. Living in a small hut, all they had for a roof was a tarp that left them exposed to winds and heavy rains. They had to build fires to prepare meals for their family, and often could only find wet wood for cooking. “We used to live [in] a very filthy hut surrounded by rats and snakes for the past 12 years. We faced many struggles.” Grateful to find work laboring in a rock quarry in South Asia, this couple knows how hard life can be. 

Every Job Is Hard

Monthly Devotional

As I started my nonprofit career in NJ, I also worked as a residential land surveyor on the side to help make ends meet. My boss, Dave, was incredibly gifted at his job, but he had a short fuse. There were so many times as I was learning the trade that I would make mistakes, and he would get so frustrated he’d pack everything up, drive us back to the office, and we’d be done for the day. He was also colorblind, which added to the lore of my experience working with him.

2024 Dominican Republic Homes for HOPE Trip Recap

In early February, a dynamic group of powerhouse women in the building industry, along with a few HOPE staff and I, had an unforgettable experience on the Homes for HOPE Trip. Visiting the incredible entrepreneurs we have the privilege of serving in the Dominican Republic was indescribable!

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