
We are tremendously grateful to Rosewood Communities and their trade partners for the work they have done to make their 2nd Home for HOPE such a huge success!


The $85,000 raised from this one home will help ease the grip poverty has on thousands of families in underdeveloped countries around the world by providing small “micro-loans” to people who have a desire to work, but who have no access to capital.


Through the work of Homes for Hope and HOPE International, aspiring entrepreneurs, not unlike the men and women who helped build this home, are able to start and build their own businesses, provide for their families, and achieve the sense of dignity that comes from receiving a hand up rather than a hand out.



To find out more about Rosewood Communities go to: www.rosewoodcommunities.com.


If you would like to support a home for hope or find out how you can be involved, please contact us at info@homes4hope.org or call Executive Director, Jack Nulty at 214-548-0237.

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