Despite the wet weather, the groundbreaking ceremony to mark RedDoor Homes 1st Home for Hope was well attended and spirits were high! Once this home sells, it will enable thousands of people in 17 countries around the world to work themselves up out of poverty.
RedDoor Homes and its trade partners will build and sell this home knowing that the profits, estimated at $100,000, will be put to work by Homes for Hope. Working in conjunction with HOPE International the monies raised will be distributed in the form of microloans to aspiring entrepreneurs in some of the most impoverished countries in the world, enabling them to start, or expand their own businesses and thus provide for their families needs without relying on handouts.
As Art Goldammer, Owner of RedDoor Homes put it:
“It is hard to put your finger on just the sense of joy, knowing that you can help out that many people. That you can make that big a difference in the world from Bismarck, North Dakota.”
RedDoor says whoever buys the home will know they are getting a great home in a good school district at a fair price with a proven company to stand behind it. The bonus is that they will also be helping a lot of people.
The home is being built at 3819 Crest Circle, Bismarck, ND. For more information or to purchase the home contact Liz Jarrett at (701) 663-4117. You can also visit their website at