When you talk about “escaping “ something you think of running away – or fleeing. Well here’s a much different story. In the Congo, as in most developing nations around the world, there are thousands of people with small businesses… they have the ability to work, the desire to work and the commitment to support their families. What they don’t have is capital – money to build.
So why Homes for Hope? Builders and their trade partners in the USA build charity homes – donating profit and overhead – in some cases all the costs of building a home. The proceeds of the home – let’s say $50,000 – are then used to make small loans to the entrepreneurs I just described… like the woman above who borrowed just $100 dollars to expand her sewing business, moving beyond a hand-to-mouth living to provide food, clothing, medical care and education for her children. And paying her loan back with interest!
At Homes for Hope we work with our partners HOPE International to reach people in need in 14 countries around the world – empowering them to use their God-given talents to break the cycle of poverty for good. And you can make a difference, too. Call or email us today and let us know you’d like to help…we’ll make a way for you!
“What a devil art thou, Poverty! How many desires — how many aspirations after goodness and truth — how many noble thoughts, loving wishes toward our fellows, beautiful imaginings thou hast crushed under thy heel, without remorse or pause!” – Walt Whitman
Together we can change all that!