Clare Hostetter (second from the left), president and founder of Brentwood Builders (, stands on empty ground which is being transformed into a home for hope in Mt. Joy, PA. When I first approached Clare about doing a Homes for Hope project he shared his company motto with me, “if it’s important to you, it’s important to us”. This is how Clare and his team treat their clients and it’s exactly how he’s approaching a project that will impact thousands of lives of those stuck in poverty in the poorest places on earth.
Specifically, Clare and his team have designated ½ of the proceeds (an estimated $50K) to go to small loans for struggling entreprenuers in Afghanistan, one of the most troubled of developing nations in the world. “We just felt it was time for us to reach out a little farther and help those most in need help themselves. Clair said they woud probably be done with the project in late October and were hoping for a quick sale in order to put the proceeds to work. “We love the fact we get to help them build their businesses,” said Hostetter.
Our great thanks to Clair, his team, and his trade partners who are helping to make dreams come true for those often forgotten.