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Bienvenida and her family live in Quisqueya, DR where she was introduced to HOPE International’s field partner Esperanza International.  When she met HOPE she was cooking chicken on a road side earning an average of $5 per day, which she used to support her family.  She, her husband and four children were living in a small shack with metal walls, a metal roof, and dirt floors.  They were unable to send their children to school, buy medicine, or provide them with nutritious food.


She, along with 16 other in her village, joined “La Manna” aka “Bread from Heaven”; a micro-enterprise group facilitated by Esperanza International.  With an 8,000 Pesos ($200 US dollars) micro-loan, Bienvenida was able to rent a small concrete structure that protected her business from bad weather, and purchase more inventory at a better price.  She now sells over 100 lbs. of chicken each day, as well as, nonperishable canned foods.  She has made many improvements to her restaurant and become a central part of her community.

 SANY0118 - Bienvenida

She is most thankful to God for the stability and dignity her business has provided.  She currently employs people in her village, her children attend school, her family can afford nutritious food, and medicine if needed.  Her husband has passed away, but thanks to her business and her relationship with God they are doing great and praising the name of Jesus.

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