Homes for Hope is grateful to have been chosen by Baessler Homes, an award-winning leader in the home building industry for 4 decades, to build the 1st Home for HOPE in the state of Colorado.
Pictured left to right: Chuck Shinn, Shinn Consulting; Kevin Archer and Larry Archer, Baessler Homes; Steve Hanson, Oxbow Properties; Jamie Baessler, Baessler Homes; and Jack Nulty, Homes for Hope.
Wednesday morning, at a breakfast at Eaton Country Club (sponsored by Land Title Guarantee Company in Windsor and Sears Real Estate) Baessler Homes expressed to its Trade Partners their excitement to begin construction on a Home for HOPE in Milliken, that, when sold, will benefit approximately 1,000 families, helping them escape poverty through the mission of HOPE International.
Baessler will be announcing this project to the community on March 20th through a Groundbreaking Celebration held at the home site at 2053 Village Drive, Milliken, CO, in the Settler’s Village subdivision developed by Hall-Irwin Corporation.
Baessler Homes was humbled by the generosity of those who immediately committed to this project, and many more have come on board since hearing the story of HOPE Wednesday morning. Some of those immediate commitments came from:
Bestway Concrete Horner Painting
Proglass & Paint LLP Security First Financial
Superior Wall Systems LLC Trans-Colorado Excavation
Vanoak Hardware Waste Chasers LLC
Jamie Baessler commented that, “It has been the heart of those who help us build our homes that sets Baessler Homes apart from the competition and now reveals itself in an attitude of loving our neighbors around the world.”
This home, built for a greater purpose, is available for purchase and will be move-in ready by Mid-June 2013. Please contact Robbie Miner at Sears Real Estate for details (970) 978-0222.