It’s Better to Have a Job Than A Handout
Billy Doelker, president of Key Homes LLC, was named to the NAHB’s 40 Under 40 list last year. He has seen firsthand the benefits that come from being a top-notch entrepreneur in America. He knows the dignity that comes from receiving a hand up rather than a handout, and sees Homes for Hope (H4H) as a tool for his company to return the favor. As Billy surveys his landscape he’s seen countless jobs that have been provided directly by his company, or indirectly through countless trades and suppliers that help him to produce great homes in the Louisville KY housing market.
Obviously, it takes a great deal of capital to run a company like Billy’s but in the Dominican Republic, a woman can start a small tabletop business in the town square for $50 and grow that business to the point of employing several people. Ramona, mother of four who had been surviving on less than $5 a day did just that! Over half the world’s population is just like Ramona. Billy knows that he can’t help 4 Billion people but he can help several hundred with each H4H he builds. With excitement Billy will break ground on Louisville housing markets first home for HOPE.
For Billy’s company, it’s not about being seen for doing good, it’s about seeing people like Ramona take their God given talents and provide for their families.