Confident, Joyful, and Financially Secure | Maya’s Story of Life after Trafficking
SOUTH ASIA* — In South Asia, access to financial services for individuals living in remote villages is limited, leaving these men and women vulnerable to exploitation from loan sharks. For Maya*, this lack of access–combined with illiteracy–made her a target for human traffickers in her area. This is Maya’s story of life after trafficking:
Maya was rescued by one of our microfinance partners in South Asia.* This microfinance institution (MFI) is dedicated to sharing the Gospel as they combat human trafficking through rescue, prevention, and rehabilitation in a Christian minority context. Through this rehabilitation program, Maya received finance and business training alongside the Gospel. Maya took out a $200 loan to buy chickens and start a business. Through subsequent loans over the past five years, she has added goats and started growing cauliflower, and potatoes.
After Maya was rescued, the trauma she experienced left her with overwhelming feelings of sadness and fear. She never dreamt that she could be confident, hopeful, and financially secure. But when Maya joined a solidarity group (number of individuals that meet together after taking out loans) through this microfinance institution she was met with unwavering support, accountability, and the hope of Christ. She started to attend daily fellowship meetings and surrendered her life to Christ, experiencing a newfound peace.
Today, Maya has the means to send her children to school, breaking the cycle of generational poverty and creating a bright future. She says, “I have experienced a total transformation of my life, for which I am deeply grateful.” Maya’s story of life after trafficking
When we combine the Good News of the Gospel with access to financial services, people like Maya can not only provide for themselves but find eternal hope in Christ. To date, our partner in South Asia* has rescued 2,400 women from trafficking and equipped survivors to launch 700 new small businesses to support their families.
*Location and names withheld for security