
A Posture of Humility Saving All Humanity

God made Himself man and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

God chose to come to earth, ultimately dying for our sins so we could be with Him for eternity.  Not only did The God of the universe choose to come to earth, but He chose to come as a baby.

Nothing else in the world could be more humbling than this—God Himself facing humanity as incarnate. The fact that God would choose to come to earth this way, and to come to earth at all, displays His mercy and grace far beyond our comprehension.

Humanity turned its back on God from the beginning and chose its own desires over His—even though people were created by Him. Shouldn’t our hearts long to honor our Creator above all else? But humanity’s fall came through the inflation of self… the inflation of self in the form of pride. Isn’t it fitting that God would use the opposing character to save His people?

We sinned because of pride, and He saved us in humility.

Could you imagine being betrayed by your creation, then doubling back and choosing to save them anyway? Not only this, but by coming to earth as a baby, Jesus was completely dependent on someone else for everything. He was unable to lift his head or eat without help. Putting this in perspective, the God of the universe, who created all things, had to be taken care of – because He chose to save the ones He loves. What humility. 

A Posture of Humility Saving All Humanity

God could have come to earth as a King, already in reign; or the ruler of many earthly kingdoms; but He chose to come as the son of a carpenter, to a humble family, in a more than humble way.

We are so unworthy of this kind of love, yet He gives it freely to us.

As you gather with friends and family this Christmas season, I encourage you to take some quiet time alone. Create space to revel in the mystery of Jesus’ coming and the humility He gladly chose, all to save us.


Abby Murphy

Abby Murphy

Development and Operations Advisor, Homes for HOPE

Abby joined the team with experience in Marketing and Development and a passion for systemic change and holistic restorative justice. Abby holds her B.S. in Business Administration and has worked with various organizations fighting to end global poverty. She’s traveled for work and has lived in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Kenya. She currently lives in Connecticut with their pet rabbit, Boo, where she enjoys hiking, biking, and doing anything on or around the water.

Contact Abby Clark at

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