Eastbrook Homes

2024 Bigelow Award Winner | Mick McGraw, CEO of Eastbrook Homes

Dec 20, 2024

Homes for HOPE’s most prestigious award, The Bigelow Award, was created in remembrance of Perry Bigelow, our board president of over 20 years. Perry went home to be with the LORD in 2022, yet his impact remains and permeates our organization. We are proud to honor his legacy and the ways he exemplified our values of faithfulness (1 Thess. 5:24), perseverance (Heb. 12:1-2), honesty (Prov. 12:19), and creativity (Eph. 2:10) by choosing a longstanding partner that meets the rigorous criteria worthy of the Bigelow name.  

The 2024 Bigelow Award honoree is Mick McGraw, President and CEO of Eastbrook Homes. Mick and his family foundation have been generously supporting Homes for HOPE for over 10 years, and have generated $700,000 in donations to support our mission of investing in underserved families around the world for their holistic flourishing, unto the glory of God.  

“Mick! Congratulations on winning The Bigelow Award! You so much embody the values we try to highlight and that Perry Bigelow highlighted so well…Your creative genius, your generosity, and your willingness to always be looking for ways to help others are exemplified so much through your foundation…If Perry were here, he would say, ‘Job well done!’” – Jeff Rutt | Founder and CEO of Keystone Custom Homes, Founder and board member of Homes for HOPE and HOPE International 

“Mick, congratulations on being this year’s Bigelow Award winner with Homes for HOPE!… I see [Perry’s attributes and qualities of faithfulness and partnership] in you as well, Mick! Thank you for your faithfulness – first and most importantly to Christ, but then also to the mission of HOPE…we feel so incredibly supported by you…Thank you so much for all that you add to this team and the mission of Homes for HOPE.” Peter Greer | CEO of HOPE International, board member of Homes for HOPE and HOPE International 

Please join us in thanking Mick, his family, their foundation, and the incredible team at Eastbrook Homes for their remarkable partnership in the alleviation of global poverty in all its forms. Mick and his family will be honored with a brief award ceremony during this year’s Prayer Breakfast at IBS. We invite you to pray and celebrate with us! 

Eastbrook Homes has been building beautiful homes in Michigan for over 50 years and is one of America’s top builders. As the world continues to change, one thing stays the same: home. Eastbrook Homes wants to continually provide innovative and quality homes, in communities that evolve and grow as well. Subscribe to their email to be the first to hear about new home plans, community phases, and community launches. 

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